Choosing a school for your child is clearly one of the most important decisions you will have to make.
With enviable student-to-teacher ratios, we are able to meet children’s individual needs to enhance their academic achievement. We also recognise that learning goes beyond the classroom; that it extends to building confidence and resilience, taking responsibility, and engaging with others. These aspects of learning, plus more, are explored through our Bible, values and pastoral care programs.
Our supportive environment facilitates spiritual, academic and social growth in all members of the school community. By choosing Tauranga Adventist School for your child, you will be placing them in a safe and intimate learning environment that supports their learning, nurtures their talents and encourages their development into confident and capable citizens of their community.
Tauranga Adventist School is making a difference in the lives of children and their families – a difference that has far-reaching effects. I am thankful for God’s presence in our school and His blessing upon it.
We would love to take you on a personal tour around our school. Request an appointment via the contact us form below or contact the School Office on (07) 579 2505 to schedule an appointment.
I look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school community - a place 'where Christian values count!'

As a Christian school, we focus on providing a caring learning community; a community that is committed to developing personal excellence through academics, at the same time, leading students into a personal relationship with Jesus. Our school provides nurture, promotes excellence and instils values.
We understand that you want the best for your child. We also understand that children learn differently. For this reason, we focus not only on what your child learns but how they learn.
Joanne Seluone
Principal/ Tumuaki