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Fees & Contributions

Our Fee’s and Contributions

for students attending

Tauranga Adventist School


Attendance Dues

Per Year

Paid to:
NZ SDA Schools Association


Special Character Donation

Per Year

Paid to:
NZ SDA Schools Association


Room 1-3

Per Year

Paid to:
Tauranga Adventist School


Room 4

Per Year

Paid to:
Tauranga Adventist School


Room 5

Per Year

Paid to:
Tauranga Adventist School

Term One 2025 Commences

Monday 03rd February

We value your effort to pay the Fees & Contributions

Our school relies heavily on the financial support of our parents and whanau. If we were not to receive the school contributions (also known as donations), then many of the activities we do at school would be simply not possible.

School contributions will be invoiced out to parents at the beginning of each term. We ask that payment is made in full before your child commences the following term (i.e. Term One paid before the child begins school in Term Two).

All fees and contributions may be paid by instalments/direct bank credit or by prior arrangement with the school. Contact the Office Administrator or Principal for details. The following costs are to be met by parents/caregivers;

Compulsory Fees

Attendance dues - Attendance Dues are compulsory and are a condition of enrolment. Attendance dues are paid to the NZ SDA Schools Association.
Account #: 03 0175 0182096 02.

Technology Fee - All Year 7 and 8 students travel to the Tauranga Technology Centre four days per term for Technology and each student must pay a fee to cover costs associated with this privilege. Costs include transport and all course expenses.

Special Character Donation

Special Character Donation - this donation goes towards ensuring the preservation of the School's Special Character. This includes funding the Education Office, developing Bible resources, teacher support programmes and teacher conventions etc.
Special Character Contributions are paid to the NZ SDA Schools Association.
Account #: 03 0175 0182096 002.

School Contributions

These contributions cover expenses related to activities over the year that the school is involved in and may include IXL subscription (Math), school development, bus use, swimming and general activities.

From 2022 a $25.00 per student, per term, Technology fee is included in the Room contributions. This is for the purchase of iPads and Chrome books for the various classes. Students who pay for this will qualify to take their Chromebook device at the end of Year 8.

School Contributions are paid to the Tauranga Adventist School.
Account #: 03 0435 0264179 000.

Remember: All contributions are 'donations' and are tax deductible.